

Jenny Xie

Is AI Appropriate for STEM Education?

In the contemporary educational landscape, one cannot ignore the pervasive influence of Artificial Intelligence (AI), which has become a prominent topic of discussion. AI’s integration into education, particularly in STEM subjects, has garnered significant attention.

As educators, our initial sentiments toward AI can often be apprehensive, driven by concerns about the potential challenges posed by students’ increasing reliance on AI for their assignments and homework. However, it is crucial to acknowledge the diversity of perspectives on this matter. The question that arises is whether AI will have a negative impact on students’ educational journey. The answer, somewhat paradoxically, lies in a nuanced blend of both affirmative and negative facets. Indeed, AI can offer substantial benefits to students, but it simultaneously introduces complexities and responsibilities for educators. The introduction of AI into education undeniably augments the professional burden for educators, as they must allocate time to address students’ appropriate use of this tool. In some instances, educators may prohibit students from using AI, while others embrace it, encouraging students to incorporate AI into their homework. In theory, leveraging AI for learning purposes is valid, as it constitutes a legitimate part of the learning process. However, the crux of the matter lies in guiding students on how to utilize AI effectively and responsibly for their educational pursuits, a matter worthy of in-depth exploration and discussion.

What Will be the Impact of AI on STEM Education?

We must not view with novelty the photographs taken from the Moon in the last century, specifically the 1960s when the technology was not commonly accessible for educational purposes, but rather primarily confined to the field of natural science. However, in the present day, educational technology has become ubiquitous and extends its services to every corner of the world, reaching as far as possible. We have to acknowledge that this transformation owes much to education. With technology such as media tools’ support, our perspectives on the world have expanded. We no longer live in isolation, as we are now interconnected with people, near and far, whom we can reach out to, though we may physically reside alone, and we do not feel loneliness any longer. In truth, we are constantly connected. As the saying goes, the world isn’t small because of this connectivity; it has expanded, become boundless. Then, what is brimming with us when AI era comes, still our imagination.

Embark on a journey of transformation with AI, revolutionizing education and fostering personal growth

Before AI era, imagination was celebrated as a fundamental driver of innovation and creativity in our lives, it was often said that imagination allowed us to envision possibilities beyond our current reality, fueling advancements in science, art, and literature. Thus, imagination was considered a cornerstone of personal and societal development, to achieve the seemly impossible. Within the AI era, imagination continues to play a crucial role in shaping our lives, albeit in new and evolving ways. It is increasingly recognized that while AI excels at processing data and performing specific tasks, human imagination remains indispensable for innovation and problem-solving. Ultimately, our lives are sustained by the imagination. Imaginative thinking helps us envision ethical frameworks, anticipate societal impacts, and explore new avenues for collaboration. Imagination, as a crucial dimension we rely on, prompts us to consider its potential in the AI era. What else does this image reveal? I asked the AI, receiving ample praise for imagination. Yet, reaching a consensus from such varied praises remains challenging. Then I know AI may understand me somewhere, but the true depth of imagination remains elusive.